Home Ödeme Sistemleri ISO 8583 ISO 8583 Field Açıklamaları (F22)

ISO 8583 Field Açıklamaları (F22)

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F22—POINT OF SERVICE ENTRY MODE: POS/ATM üzerinden işlemin nasıl yapıldığını ve POS cihazının Pin giriş kapasitesinin tutulduğu alandır. İlk 2 hanede işlemin nasıl yapıldığı, son hanede (x ile gösterilen kısım) POSun şifre giriş kapasitesi gönderilmektedir. Nümerik 3 hanelidir.

ISO CodeDescription
00xPAN entry mode unknown.
01xPAN manual entry.
02xMagnetic Stripe, the magnetic stripe has not been fully read and/or transmitted.

PAN auto-entry via bar code reader.
04xPAN auto-entry via optical character reader (OCR).
05xPAN auto-entry via integrated circuit card.
06xPAN key entry.
07xContactless Chip
79xChip card or chip-capable terminal was unable to process transaction using data on the chip or magnetic stripe, therefore, PAN was entered via manual entry, or Acquirer not certified to process the value “80”, so the MDS replaced “80” with “79”.
80xChip card or chip-capable terminal was unable to process transaction using data on the chip, therefore, the PAN was entered via magnetic stripe.  The full track data has been read from the data encoded on the card and transmitted within the authorization request on Track-2 Data (DE 35) or Track-1 Data (DE 45) without alteration or truncation.
81xPAN manual entry via electronic commerce.
90xPAN auto-entry via magnetic stripe—the full track data has been read from the data encoded on the card and transmitted within the authorization request on DE 35 or DE 45 without alteration or truncation.
91xContactless MagStripe 
95x Integrated circuit card read, CVV data may be unreliable

0Unspecified or unknown.
1Terminal has PIN entry capability.
2Terminal does not have PIN entry capability.
8Terminal has PIN entry capability, but PIN pad is out of service.
9PIN verified by terminal device.

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