EMV’de veriler Tag-Length-Value şeklinde tutulmakta ve Kart, Pos ve otorizasyon sistemi arasında veriler Tag-Lengyh-Value formatında taşınmaktadır.
Tag-Length-Value ifadeleri kısaca TLV olarak ifade edilmektedir.
Tag :Veri tipinin ne olduğu (Ör: Application Label, Application Identifier)
Length :Verinin uzunluğu
Value :Verinin içeriği
Peki Tag değerleri nedir ve ne anlama gelmektedir?
Tagler farklı uzunluk ve yapıdadır. Aşağıda EMV’de yer alan tüm Tag ve Açıklamalarını görebilirsiniz.
Tag | Tip | Açıklama |
x41 | ISO 7816 | Country code and national data |
x42 | ISO 7816 | Issuer Identification Number (IIN) |
x43 | ISO 7816 | Card service data |
x44 | ISO 7816 | Initial access data |
x45 | ISO 7816 | Card issuer’s data |
x46 | ISO 7816 | Pre-issuing data |
x47 | ISO 7816 | Card capabilities |
x48 | ISO 7816 | Status information |
x4D | ISO 7816 | Extended header list |
x4F | ISO 7816 | Application Identifier (AID), Card |
x50 | ISO 7816 | Application Label |
x51 | ISO 7816 | Path (see 5.2.1) |
x52 | ISO 7816 | Command-to-perform |
x53 | ISO 7816 | Discretionary data, discretionary template |
x56 | ISO 7816 | Track 1, Equivalent Data |
x57 | ISO 7816 | Track 2, Equivalent Data |
x58 | ISO 7816 | Track 3, Equivalent Data |
x59 | ISO 7816 | card expiration date |
x5A | ISO 7816 | Application Primary Account Number (PAN) |
x5B | ISO 7816 | Name of an individual |
x5C | ISO 7816 | Tag list |
x5D | ISO 7816 | Header list |
x5E | ISO 7816 | Proprietary login data |
x5F20 | ISO 7816 | Cardholder name |
x5F21 | ISO 7816 | Track 1, identical to the data coded |
x5F22 | ISO 7816 | Track 2, identical to the data coded |
x5F23 | ISO 7816 | Track 3, identical to the data coded |
x5F24 | ISO 7816 | Date, Application Expiration |
x5F25 | ISO 7816 | Date, Application Effective |
x5F26 | ISO 7816 | Date, Card Effective |
x5F27 | ISO 7816 | Interchange control |
x5F28 | ISO 7816 | Country Code, Issuer |
x5F29 | ISO 7816 | Interchange profile |
x5F2A | ISO 7816 | Currency Code, Transaction |
x5F2B | ISO 7816 | Date of birth |
x5F2C | ISO 7816 | Cardholder nationality |
x5F2D | ISO 7816 | Language Preference |
x5F2E | ISO 7816 | Cardholder biometric data |
x5F2F | ISO 7816 | PIN usage policy |
x5F30 | ISO 7816 | Service Code |
x5F32 | ISO 7816 | Transaction counter |
x5F33 | ISO 7816 | Date, Transaction |
x5F34 | ISO 7816 | Application Primary Account Number (PAN) Sequence Number / Card Sequence Number (CSN) |
x5F35 | ISO 7816 | Sex (ISO 5218) |
x5F36 | ISO 7816 | Currency Exponent, Transaction |
x5F37 | ISO 7816 | Static internal authentication (one-step) |
x5F38 | ISO 7816 | Static internal authentication – first associated data |
x5F39 | ISO 7816 | Static internal authentication – second associated data |
x5F3A | ISO 7816 | Dynamic internal authentication |
x5F3B | ISO 7816 | Dynamic external authentication |
x5F3C | ISO 7816 | Dynamic mutual authentication |
x5F40 | ISO 7816 | Cardholder portrait image |
x5F41 | ISO 7816 | Element list |
x5F42 | ISO 7816 | Address |
x5F43 | ISO 7816 | Cardholder handwritten signature image |
x5F44 | ISO 7816 | Application image |
x5F45 | ISO 7816 | Display message |
x5F46 | ISO 7816 | Timer |
x5F47 | ISO 7816 | Message reference |
x5F48 | ISO 7816 | Private Key, Cardholder |
x5F49 | ISO 7816 | Public Key, Cardholder |
x5F4A | ISO 7816 | Public Key, Certification Authority |
x5F4B | ISO 7816 | Deprecated (see note 2 below) |
x5F4C | ISO 7816 | Certificate holder authorization |
x5F4D | ISO 7816 | Integrated circuit manufacturer identifier |
x5F4E | ISO 7816 | Certificate content |
x5F50 | ISO 7816 | Uniform resource locator (URL) |
x5F52 | ISO 7816 | ATR Historical Bytes |
x60 | ISO 7816 | Template, Dynamic Authentication |
x60x80 | ISO 7816 | , Commitment (e.g., a positive number less than the public RSA modulus in use) |
x60x81 | ISO 7816 | , Challenge (e.g., a number, possibly zero, less than the public RSA exponent in use) |
x60x82 | ISO 7816 | , Response (e.g., a positive number less than the public RSA modulus in use) |
x60x83 | ISO 7816 | , Committed challenge (e.g., the hash-code of a commitment data object) |
x60x84 | ISO 7816 | Authentication code (e.g., the hash-code of one or more data fields and a commitment data object) |
x60x85 | ISO 7816 | Exponential (e.g., a public positive number for establishing a session key by a DH method) |
x60xA | ISO 7816 | , Template, Identification data |
x61 | ISO 7816 | Template, Application |
x62 | ISO 7816 | Template, File Control Parameters (FCP) |
x62x80 | ISO 7816 | , Number of data bytes in the file, excluding structural information |
x62x81 | ISO 7816 | , Number of data bytes in the file, including structural information if any |
x62x82 | ISO 7816 | , File descriptor byte |
x62x83 | ISO 7816 | , File identifier |
x62x84 | ISO 7816 | , DF name |
x62x85 | ISO 7816 | , Proprietary information, primitive encoding (i.e., not coded in BER-TLV) |
x62x86 | ISO 7816 | , Security attribute in proprietary format |
x62x87 | ISO 7816 | , Identifier of an EF containing an extension of the file control information |
x62x88 | ISO 7816 | , Short EF identifier |
x62x8A | ISO 7816 | , Life cycle status byte (LCS) |
x62x8B | ISO 7816 | , Security attribute referencing the expanded format |
x62x8C | ISO 7816 | , Security attribute in compact format |
x62x8D | ISO 7816 | , Identifier of an EF containing security environment templates |
x62xA0 | ISO 7816 | , Template, Security attribute for data objects |
x62xA1 | ISO 7816 | , Template, Security attribute for physical interfaces |
x62xA2 | ISO 7816 | One or more pairs of data objects, short EF identifier (tag 88) – absolute or relative path (tag 51) |
x62xA5 | ISO 7816 | , Proprietary information, constructed encoding |
x62xAB | ISO 7816 | , Security attribute in expanded format |
x62xAC | ISO 7816 | , Identifier of a cryptographic mechanism |
x63 | ISO 7816 | Wrapper |
x64 | ISO 7816 | Template, File Management Data (FMD) |
x65 | ISO 7816 | Cardholder related data |
x66 | ISO 7816 | Template, Card data |
x67 | ISO 7816 | Template, Authentication data |
x68 | ISO 7816 | Special user requirements |
x6A | ISO 7816 | Template, Login |
x6Ax80 | ISO 7816 | , Qualifier |
x6Ax81 | ISO 7816 | , Telephone Number |
x6Ax82 | ISO 7816 | , Text |
x6Ax83 | ISO 7816 | , Delay indicators, for detecting an end of message |
x6Ax84 | ISO 7816 | , Delay indicators, for detecting an absence of response |
x6B | ISO 7816 | Template, Qualified name |
x6Bx06 | ISO 7816 | , Qualified name |
x6Bx80 | ISO 7816 | , Name |
x6BxA0 | ISO 7816 | , Name |
x6C | ISO 7816 | Template, Cardholder image |
x6D | ISO 7816 | Template, Application image |
x6Dx67x53 | ISO 7816 | Image Encoding Format |
x6E | ISO 7816 | Aplication related data |
x6F | ISO 7816 | Template, File Control Parameters and File Management Data (FCI) |
x70 | EMV | Template, AEF Data |
x73 | ISO 7816 | emplate, Directory Discretionary |
x78 | ISO 7816 | ompatible Tag Allocation Authority |
x79 | ISO 7816 | oexistent Tag Allocation Authority |
x7A | ISO 7816 | emplate, Security Support (SS);see 6.4 |
x7Ax80 | ISO 7816 | , Card session counter |
x7Ax81 | ISO 7816 | , Session identifier |
x7Ax82 | ISO 7816 | , File selection counter |
x7Ax83 | ISO 7816 | , File selection counter |
x7Ax84 | ISO 7816 | , File selection counter |
x7Ax85 | ISO 7816 | , File selection counter |
x7Ax86 | ISO 7816 | , File selection counter |
x7Ax87 | ISO 7816 | , File selection counter |
x7Ax88 | ISO 7816 | , File selection counter |
x7Ax89 | ISO 7816 | , File selection counter |
x7Ax8A | ISO 7816 | , File selection counter |
x7Ax8B | ISO 7816 | , File selection counter |
x7Ax8C | ISO 7816 | , File selection counter |
x7Ax8D | ISO 7816 | , File selection counter |
x7Ax8E | ISO 7816 | , File selection counter |
x7Ax93 | ISO 7816 | , Digital signature counter |
x7Ax9F2X | ISO 7816 | Internal progression value (‘X’-is a specific index, e.g., an index referencing a counter of file selections) |
x7Ax9F3Y | ISO 7816 | External progression value (‘Y’-is a specific index, e.g., an index referencing an external time stamp) |
X7b | ISO 7816 | Template, Security Environment (SE); see 6.5 |
x7Bx80 | ISO 7816 | , SEID byte, mandatory |
x7Bx8A | ISO 7816 | , LCS byte, optional |
x7BxA4 | ISO 7816 | , SE Authentication (AT) |
x7BxA6 | ISO 7816 | , SE Key Agreement (KAT) |
x7BxAA | ISO 7816 | , SE Hashing (HT) |
x7BxAC | ISO 7816 | , Cryptographic mechanism identifier template, optional |
x7BxB4 | ISO 7816 | , SE Cryptographic Checksum |
x7BxB6 | ISO 7816 | , SE Digital signature (DST) |
x7BxB8 | ISO 7816 | , SE Confidentiality (CT) |
X7d | ISO 7816 | Template, Secure Messaging (SM);see 6 |
x7Dx80 | ISO 7816 | , Plain value not coded in BER-TLV |
x7Dx81 | ISO 7816 | , Plain value not coded in BER-TLV |
x7Dx82 | ISO 7816 | , Cryptogram (plain value coded in BER-TLV and including secure messaging data objects) |
x7Dx83 | ISO 7816 | , Cryptogram (plain value coded in BER-TLV and including secure messaging data objects) |
x7Dx84 | ISO 7816 | , Cryptogram (plain value coded in BER-TLV, but not including secure messaging data objects) |
x7Dx85 | ISO 7816 | , Cryptogram (plain value coded in BER-TLV, but not including secure messaging data objects) |
x7Dx86 | ISO 7816 | , Padding-content indicator byte followed by cryptogram (plain value not coded in BER-TLV) |
x7Dx87 | ISO 7816 | , Padding-content indicator byte followed by cryptogram (plain value not coded in BER-TLV) |
x7Dx8 | ISO 7816 | , Cryptographic checksum (at least four bytes) |
x7Dx9 | ISO 7816 | , Hash-code |
x7Dx9 | ISO 7816 | , Hash-code |
x7Dx9 | ISO 7816 | , Certificate (not BER-TLV coded data) |
x7Dx9 | ISO 7816 | , Certificate (not BER-TLV coded data) |
x7Dx9 | ISO 7816 | , Security environment identifier (SEID byte, see 6.5) |
x7Dx9 | ISO 7816 | , Security environment identifier (SEID byte, see 6.5) |
x7Dx9 | ISO 7816 | , Number Le in the unsecured command APDU (one or two bytes) |
x7Dx9 | ISO 7816 | , Number Le in the unsecured command APDU (one or two bytes) |
x7Dx9 | ISO 7816 | , Processing status of the secured response APDU (new SW1-SW2, two bytes) |
x7Dx9 | ISO 7816 | , Input data element for the computation of a digital signature (the value field is signed) |
x7Dx9 | ISO 7816 | , Input data element for the computation of a digital signature (the value field is signed) |
x7Dx9 | ISO 7816 | , Public key |
x7Dx9 | ISO 7816 | , Public key |
x7Dx9 | ISO 7816 | , Digital signature |
x7DxA | ISO 7816 | , Input template for the computation of a hash-code (the template is hashed) |
x7DxA | ISO 7816 | , Input template for the computation of a hash-code (the template is hashed) |
x7DxA | ISO 7816 | , Input template for the verification of a cryptographic checksum (the template is integrated) |
x7DxA | ISO 7816 | , Control reference template for authentication (AT) |
x7DxA | ISO 7816 | , Control reference template for authentication (AT) |
x7DxA | ISO 7816 | , Input template for the verification of a digital signature (the template is signed) |
x7DxA | ISO 7816 | , Template, Control reference for hash-code (HT) |
x7DxA | ISO 7816 | , Template, Control reference for hash-code (HT) |
x7DxA | ISO 7816 | , Input template for the computation of a digital signature (the concatenated value fields are signed) |
x7DxA | ISO 7816 | , Input template for the computation of a digital signature (the concatenated value fields are signed) |
x7DxA | ISO 7816 | , Input template for the computation of a certificate (the concatenated value fields are signed) |
x7DxA | ISO 7816 | , Input template for the computation of a certificate (the concatenated value fields are signed) |
x7DxB0 | ISO 7816 | , Plain value coded in BER-TLV and including secure messaging data objects |
x7DxB1 | ISO 7816 | , Plain value coded in BER-TLV and including secure messaging data objects |
x7DxB2 | ISO 7816 | , Plain value coded in BER-TLV, but not including secure messaging data objects |
x7DxB3 | ISO 7816 | , Plain value coded in BER-TLV, but not including secure messaging data objects |
x7DxB4 | ISO 7816 | , Control reference template for cryptographic checksum (CCT) |
x7DxB5 | ISO 7816 | , Control reference template for cryptographic checksum (CCT) |
x7DxB6 | ISO 7816 | , Control reference template for digital signature (DST) |
x7DxB7 | ISO 7816 | , Control reference template for digital signature (DST) |
x7DxB8 | ISO 7816 | , Control reference template for confidentiality (CT) |
x7DxB9 | ISO 7816 | , Control reference template for confidentiality (CT) |
x7DxBA | ISO 7816 | , Response descriptor template |
x7DxBB | ISO 7816 | , Response descriptor template |
x7DxBC | ISO 7816 | , Input template for the computation of a digital signature (the template is signed) |
x7DxBD | ISO 7816 | , Input template for the computation of a digital signature (the template is signed) |
x7DxBE | ISO 7816 | , Input template for the verification of a certificate (the template is certified) |
x7E | ISO 7816 | Template, Nesting Interindustry data objects |
x7F20 | ISO 7816 | Display control template |
x7F21 | ISO 7816 | Cardholder certificate |
x7F2E | ISO 7816 | Biometric data template |
x7F49 | ISO 7816 | Template, Cardholder public key |
x7F49x80 | ISO 7816 | Algorithm reference as used in control reference data objects for secure messaging |
x7F49x81 | ISO 7816 | RSA Modulus (a number denoted as n coded on x bytes), or DSA First prime (a number denoted as p coded on y bytes), or ECDSA Prime (a number denoted as p coded on z bytes) |
x7F49x82 | ISO 7816 | 16, RSA Public exponent (a number denoted as v, e.g., 65537), or DSA Second pr |
x7F49x83 | ISO 7816 | DSA Basis (a number denoted as g of order q coded on y bytes), or ECDSA Second coefficient (a number denoted as b coded on z bytes) |
x7F49x84 | ISO 7816 | DSA Public key (a number denoted as y equal to g to the power x mod p where x is the private key coded on y bytes), or ECDSA Generator (a point denoted as PB on the curve, coded on 2z bytes) |
x7F49x85 | ISO 7816 | ECDSA Order (a prime number denoted as q, order of the generator PB, coded on z bytes) |
x7F49x86 | ISO 7816 | ECDSA Public key (a point denoted as PP on the curve, equal to x times PB where x is the private key, coded on 2z bytes) |
x7F4C | ISO 7816 | Template, Certificate Holder Authorization |
x7F4E | ISO 7816 | Certificate Body |
x7F4Ex42 | ISO 7816 | 16, Certificate Authority Reference |
x7F4Ex5f20 | ISO 7816 | 7816, Certificate Holder Reference |
x7F4Ex5f24 | ISO 7816 | 7816, Expiration Date, Certificate |
x7F4Ex5f25 | ISO 7816 | 7816, Effective Date, Certificate |
x7F4Ex5f29 | ISO 7816 | 7816, Certificate Profile Identifier |
x7F4Ex65 | ISO 7816 | 16, Certificate Extensions |
x7F60 | ISO 7816 | Template, Biometric information |
x06 | . | Object Identifier (OID) |
x5F53 | EMV | International Bank Account Number (IBAN) |
x5F54 | EMV | Bank Identifier Code (BIC) |
x5F55 | EMV | Issuer Country Code (alpha2 format) |
x5F56 | EMV | Issuer Country Code (alpha3 format) |
x5F57 | EMV | Account Type |
x6FxA5 | EMV | Template, FCI A5 |
x71 | EMV | Template, Issuer Script 1 |
x71x86 | EMV | Issuer Script Command |
x71x9F18 | EMV | Issuer Script Identifier |
x72 | EMV | Template, Issuer Script 2 |
x77 | EMV | Template, Response Message Format 2 |
x80 | EMV | Template, Response Message Format 1 |
x81 | EMV | Authorised Amount (Binary) |
x82 | EMV | Application Interchange Profile (AIP) |
x83 | EMV | Template, Command |
x84 | EMV | Dedicated File (DF) Name |
x86 | EMV | Issuer Script Command |
x87 | EMV | Application Priority Indicator |
x88 | EMV | Short File Identifier (SFI) |
x89 | EMV | Authorization Code |
x8A | EMV | Authorization Response Code (ARC) |
x8C | EMV | Card Risk Management DOL 1 (CDOL1) |
x8D | EMV | Card Risk Management DOL 2 (CDOL2) |
x8E | EMV | Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List |
x8F | EMV | Public Key Index, Certification Authority, Card |
x90 | EMV | Public Key Certificate, Issuer |
x91 | EMV | Issuer Authentication Data |
x92 | EMV | Public Key Remainder, Issuer |
x93 | EMV | Signed Static Application Data (SAD) |
x94 | EMV | Application File Locator (AFL) |
x95 | EMV | Terminal Verification Results (TVR) |
x97 | EMV | Transaction Certificate DOL (TDOL) |
x98 | EMV | Transaction Certificate (TC) Hash Value |
x99 | EMV | Transaction PIN Data |
x9A | EMV | Date, Transaction |
x9B | EMV | Transaction Status Information (TSI) |
x9C | EMV | Transaction Type |
x9D | EMV | Directory Definition File (DDF) Name |
x9F01 | EMV | Acquirer Identifier |
x9F02 | EMV | Authorised Amount (Numeric) |
x9F03 | EMV | Amount, Other (Numeric) |
x9F04 | EMV | Amount, Other (Binary) |
x9F05 | EMV | Discretionary Data, Application |
x9F06 | EMV | Application Identifier (AID), Terminal |
x9F07 | EMV | Application Usage Control (AUC) |
x9F08 | EMV | Application Version Number, Card |
x9F09 | EMV | Application Version Number, Terminal |
x9F0A | EMV | Application Selection Registered Proprietary Data (ASRPD) |
x9F0B | EMV | Cardholder Name – Extended |
x9F0D | EMV | Issuer Action Code – Default |
x9F0E | EMV | Issuer Action Code – Denial |
x9F0F | EMV | Issuer Action Code – Online |
x9F10 | EMV | Issuer Application Data (IAD) |
x9F11 | EMV | Issuer Code Table Index |
x9F12 | EMV | Application Preferred Name |
x9F13 | EMV | Last Online ATC Register |
x9F14 | EMV | Lower Consecutive Offline Limit (LCOL) |
x9F15 | EMV | Merchant Category Code (MCC) |
x9F16 | EMV | Merchant Identifier |
x9F17 | EMV | PIN Try Counter |
x9F18 | EMV | Issuer Script Identifier |
x9F19 | EMV | Token Requestor ID |
x9F1A | EMV | Country Code, Terminal |
x9F1B | EMV | Terminal Floor Limit |
x9F1C | EMV | Terminal Identification |
x9F1D | EMV | Terminal Risk Management Data |
x9F1E | EMV | Interface Device (IFD) Serial Number |
x9F1F | EMV | Track 1, Discretionary Data |
x9F20 | EMV | Track 2, Discretionary Data |
x9F21 | EMV | Time, Transaction |
x9F22 | EMV | Public Key Index, Certification Authority, Terminal |
x9F23 | EMV | Upper Consecutive Offline Limit (UCOL) |
x9F24 | EMV | Tokenisation, Payment Account Reference (PAR) |
x9F26 | EMV | Cryptogram, Application |
x9F27 | EMV | Cryptogram Information Data (CID) |
x9F2D | EMV | Public Key Certificate, ICC PIN Encipherment |
x9F2E | EMV | Public Key Exponent, ICC PIN Encipherment |
x9F2F | EMV | Public Key Remainder, ICC PIN Encipherment |
x9F32 | EMV | Public Key Exponent, Issuer |
x9F33 | EMV | Terminal Capabilities |
x9F34 | EMV | Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) Results |
x9F35 | EMV | Terminal Type |
x9F36 | EMV | Application Transaction Counter (ATC) |
x9F37 | EMV | Unpredictable Number |
x9F38 | EMV | Processing Options DOL (PDOL) |
x9F39 | EMV | POS Entry Mode |
x9F3A | EMV | Amount, Reference Currency (Binary) |
x9F3B | EMV | Currency Code, Application Reference |
x9F3C | EMV | Currency Code, Transaction Reference |
x9F3D | EMV | Currency Exponent, Transaction Reference |
x9F40 | EMV | Additional Terminal Capabilities (ATC) |
x9F41 | EMV | Transaction Sequence Counter |
x9F42 | EMV | Currency Code, Application |
x9F43 | EMV | Currency Exponent, Application Reference |
x9F44 | EMV | Currency Exponent, Application |
x9F45 | EMV | Data Authentication Code |
x9F46 | EMV | Public Key Certificate, ICC |
x9F47 | EMV | Public Key Exponent, ICC |
x9F48 | EMV | Public Key Remainder, ICC |
x9F49 | EMV | Data Object List, Dynamic (DDOL) |
x9F4A | EMV | Tag List, Static Data Authentication (SDA) |
x9F4B | EMV | Signed Dynamic Application Data (SDAD) |
x9F4C | EMV | ICC Dynamic Number |
x9F4D | EMV | Log Entry |
x9F4E | EMV | Merchant Name and Location |
x9F4F | EMV | Log Format |
xBF0C | EMV | FCI Issuer Discretionary Data |