Home Ödeme Sistemleri Chargeback MasterCard ve Visa Chargeback Reason Codes Requiring A Written Merchant Rebuttal kodları nelerdir?

MasterCard ve Visa Chargeback Reason Codes Requiring A Written Merchant Rebuttal kodları nelerdir?

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MasterCard ve Visa Chargeback Reason Codes Requiring A Written Merchant Rebuttal kodları aşağıda yer almaktadır:

Supporting documentation (sales drafts, contracts, proof of delivery) always strengthen the case.
30 Services or Merchandise Not Rendered
41 Canceled Recurring Transaction
53 Not as Described \ Defective Merchandise
57 Fraudulent Processing of Transactions (copy of sales drafts required)
75 Cardholder Does Not Recognize, if the sales draft isn’t sufficient
80 Incorrect Transaction Amount or Account Number or Processing Error, if sales draft isn’t sufficient to
explain the difference
85 Credit Not Processed
86 Paid for By Other Means if sales draft isn’t sufficient to explain

Supporting documentation (sales drafts, contracts, proof of delivery) always strengthen the case.
4831 Transaction Amount Differs, if sales draft isn’t sufficient to explain the difference
4837 Fraudulent Transaction No Cardholder Authorization if sales draft isn’t sufficient to explain
4840 Fraudulent Processing of Transactions (copy of sales drafts required, too)
4841 Canceled Recurring Transaction
4850 Credit Posted as a Debit, if sales draft isn’t sufficient to explain
4853 Not as Described \ Defective Merchandise
4854 Cardholder Dispute Not Elsewhere Classified (Claim or Defense)
4855 Non-Receipt of Merchandise (in the absence of signed proof of delivery)
4859 Services Not Rendered
4860 Credit Not Processed
4863 Cardholder Does Not Recognize, if the sales draft isn’t sufficient

Detaylara alttaki linkten erişebilirsiniz.


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