Home Ödeme Sistemleri ISO 8583 ISO 8583 Field Açıklamaları (F61)

ISO 8583 Field Açıklamaları (F61)

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F61—POINT OF SERVICE (POS) DATA: İşlem anında POS’un spesifik durumu hakkında bilgi veren alandır.

1POS Terminal Attendance Indicator
0   = Attended terminal (Valid for MasterCard debit card and Maestro transactions only)
1   = Unattended terminal
2   = No terminal used (voice/audio response unit[ARU] authorization) (Valid for MasterCard debit card transactions only)
2POS Terminal Operator Indicator
Kullanılmıyor. 0 ile doldurulur.
3POS Terminal Location Indicator
0   = On premises of card acceptor facility
1   =Off premises of card acceptor facility (remotelocation)
2   = On premises of cardholder (home PC) (Validfor MasterCard debit card transactions only)
3   = No terminal used (Valid for MasterCard debit card transactions only)
4POS Customer Presence Indicator
0   = Customer present
1   = Cardholder not present, unspecified (Valid for
MasterCard debit card transactions only)
2   = Cardholder not present, mail/facsimile order(Valid for MasterCard debit card transactions only) 3 Cardholder not present, phone/ARU order (Valid for MasterCard debit card transactions only)
4   = Cardholder not present, recurring transaction (Valid for MasterCard debit card transactions only)
5   = Electronic order (home PC, Internet) (Valid forMasterCard debit card transactions only)
5POS Card Presence Indicator
0   = Card present
1   = Card not present (Valid for MasterCard debit card transactions only)
6POS Card Retention Indicator
0   = Terminal/operator has no card capturecapability
1   = Terminal/operator has card capture capability
7POS Transaction Status Indicator
0   = Normal request (original presentment)
1   = Merchant authorized (Valid for Maestro POS transactions only)
4   = Pre-authorization request (Valid for MasterCarddebit card and Maestro transactions only)
5   = Stand-In
6   = Address verification request; verify shipping address (Valid for MasterCard debit card transactions only)
7   = Cash back (Valid for Maestro POS transactions only)
8   = Downtime submission request (Valid for MasterCard debit card transactions only)
8POS Transaction Security Indicator
0   = No security concern
1   = Suspected fraud
2   = Identification verified
9POS Transaction Routing Indicator
0 = Zero fill; field no longer used
10Cardholder-Activated Terminal Level Indicator
0   = Not a CAT transaction
1   = Authorized Level 1 CAT: Automateddispensing machine with PIN
2   = Authorized Level 2 CAT: Self service terminal (Valid for MasterCard debit card transactions only)
3   = Authorized Level 3 CAT: Limited amountterminal (Valid for MasterCard debit card transactions only)
4   = Authorized Level 4 CAT: In-flight commerce(Valid for MasterCard debit card transactions only)
5   = Scrip device (Valid for Maestro POStransactions only)
11POS Card Data Terminal Input Capability Indicator
0   = Unknown
1   = No terminal used
2   = Magnetic stripe reader
3   = Bar code (reserved for future use)
4   = Optical character recognition (reserved forfuture use)
5   = Magnetic stripe reader and EMV specificationcompatible integrated circuit card (ICC) reader
6   = Key entry only
7   = Magnetic stripe reader and key entry
8   = Magnetic stripe reader and key entry, andEMV-compatible ICC reader
9   = EMV compatible ICC reader
12-13POS Authorization Life Cycle Indicated the number of days pre-authorization will stay in effect (ATM and Maestro POS transactions should use 01)n-2
14-16POS Country Code Indicates the country of the terminal location (use valid three digit ISO numeric country code)n-3
17-26POS Postal Code Indicates the geographic code of the terminal location (if data is unknown or unavailable, zero fill)n-10
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